How to Redesign your Homepage for Better Conversion Rates - Webskitters

How to Redesign your Homepage for Better Conversion Rates


  • Increased Client Engagement-> You should modify your homepage design if it’s offering basic information of your services and doing no justice to your full potential. Such a homepage doesn’t offer full information regarding your services and therefore should be immediately redesigned.

For this you can offer case studies of your successful projects and link them to your homepage. Visitors would get a detailed and interactive session of client demands; your service and overall results.

  • Increased Optimization of Conversion Rate-> As an entrepreneur it shall be always in your mind to offer your customers unique experience while visiting your website. This will increase your conversion rate. Your contents should surround your call to action which increases probability of successful business deal.

You can modify your surrounding content and media around old buttons of your web page. As customers navigate through web page, they would demand fresh quotes for products or services. Try to make out your pages as interesting as you can.

You can implement changes to your homepage redesign in many ways. In this article we shall offer you suggestion tips on how to redesign your homepage and bring in more business. They are as follows:

Welcome Changes to your Homepage: How to Implement them?

Header Section

Just any static header image will do no justice to your site. If you are having a basic and static header image, drop it as soon as possible. Header image is an extremely important part of a website. It engages users with lucrative photos depicting lot of information.

You can add informative animation clips which will highlight on your successful projects. Visually enticing photos should make your slider image. You can also enlist your projects below the slider image and add buttons so that customers can click on them and view that particular project in details. A seamless integration of header slider with projects’ list will give natural and fluent project information to your clients.

Portfolio Section

For a service providing company, creation of a separate portfolio page is essential. However there must be a short repeat of this at your homepage.

In most cases static project images with write-ups are created. However you can always add innovative streaks to your website. For example you can depict a client image which will lead you to separate pages of his/her particular project. Separate pages will carry project homepage description, responsive design, social-media campaigns, infographics and logo designs of his/her project. Such specimens would assure your customer that your company provides full fledged services.

Project information would be reflective of the project and its unique points that your design, development or digital marketing teams have accomplished. A short case study will do justice to it. Case study should be simple and interesting. Like what were demanded by your clients; your achievements depicted through tangible pieces of evidence etc. Put greater focus upon your service delivery and not on what your services are.

Testing Phase

After creating your homepage redesign do not forget to take opinions from experienced developers, designers and SEO experts. Before making it live, include essential modifications. In the end remember that even after creating a fantastic homepage, it runs risk of non-performance because of unforeseen reasons. Gradually with passing time those reasons will become more obvious. You can take necessary measures then.

Two most important measures to act as testing parameters are user engagement and conversion rates. If they’re ok, your homepage redesign has been almost successful.

Split URL Test

To decide upon success rate of your new homepage design with respect of your old design, you can perform split url test. Here make live your new homepage with a new url and keep hold of your original homepage with old url. With Visual Website Optimizer tool, split your incoming traffic into half; one going towards your new homepage and the other going towards the new one.

Decoding the Results

In Respect of User Engagement

To be fully assured of your product (homepage redesign) keep on the split test still you get 98% statistical significance. If you find that still that stage the percentage of your user engagement has rose up then you’ve certainly achieved your goal.

In Respect of Conversion Rate Optimization

An increased user engagement rate does not always result in increased user conversion rate. Generally it raises conversion rate by 43%.

In Respect of Search Engine Optimization

While you update your content, keep in mind about page’s SEO sector. User-centric contents raise the rank of organic searches and keywords. Our suggestion is to make your website as much user-friendly as is possible. It will naturally raise your pages’ search ranks.

Focus upon enchanting user experience of your website and see rise of user engagement, conversion rate and SEO or increased search ranks. In addition it raises your brand reliability.

Atanu Sarkar

Atanu Sarkar

Atanu Sarkar, the Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Webskitters Technology Solutions Pvt. Ltd & Webskitters LTD has strong data analytics, business development and entrepreneurship skills. He keeps himself updated about latest technological innovations in his past time and encourages his team to incorporate new technologies and move beyond the defined boundaries of design, development and digital marketing. His inquisitive nature constrains him from flattering any limits and that’s made him a successful entrepreneur, a great leader for his team and a wonderful human being.

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