Well like any other reputed web language, PHP has some great frameworks which can make the whole development process fast, much more productive as well as protects you from various types of low level error. It also ensures that your website offer much more protection from various attacks like XSS attacks, SQL injection and various others.
In this post, learn about some of the best front-end frameworks which can be used right for Bootstrap alternative. Here is a list of Top 10 PHP Framework which can be used for the development process.
A brilliant PHP Framework which is equipped with various interesting features is Laravel. The features include RESTful routing, light weight tempting engine or native PHP and many more. Laravel offers various web applications with reliable and well tested code as it is built using several Symfony components. Some other features of Laravel include a better ORM, powerful queue library, simple authentication and painless routing.
This is considered as a contemporary framework which can be used for PHP development. CakePHP 3.0 comes with remarkable features which include improved session management, enhanced helpers and components, ORM improvements, improved consistency of conventions and many more. This platform comes with better modularity offering the opportunity to create standalone libraries to reduce coupling. There are tools like PSR-0, PSR-1 along with composer to improve interoperability.
One of the fastest PHP Frameworks is Phalcon. This can be implemented as a C extension with lower resource consumption. Some of the features within this framework are translations, assets management, universal auto-loader, security and many more. Phalcon can be used for developing full MVC applications like single module, micro applications and multi-module.
The second version of Symfony is an excellent PHP Framework when it comes to creating web applications and websites. This framework has been built on various Symfony components like Drupal, phpBB and Ez Publish. There are nearly 300,000 developers on-board and Symfony has witnessed nearly 1,000,000 downloads till date. Well there have been more 1000 code contributors for Symfony till date.
Now if you are looking for an elegant toolkit for creating a visually impressive and feature loaded web applications then Codeigniter is the perfect framework for you. It is available in the version 2.2.1 with clear documentation. Some of the features of the framework PHP include no large-scale monolithic libraries, compatibility with standard hosting, no restrictive coding rules with no need for template language and many more.
This is considered as a secure, stable, fast and high-performing PHP framework. Yii has worked for developing web 2.0 applications. It provides advanced as well as basis on the project requirement. This framework is well equipped with Model-View-Controller design pattern, role based access and authentication, rich feature layered caching scheme, Ajaz-enabled widgets, Database Access Objects (DAO) as well as detailed documents. Yii serves as an ideal framework for developing various enterprise web applications, SaaS, PaaS, social media applications and many more.
Aura is a PHP framework which provides independent library packages for the platform PHP 5.4+. One can easily opt for these packages alone or with collaboration with other or combined into a separate full-stack framework. This is a second major version of Solar and Aura has been rewritten into form of a library collection with a more dependable framework. Aura can balance the various features available in PHP 5.4+.
This is considered one of most popular PHP frameworks for building high performing web applications. Zend has cryptographic and secure coding tools. You can execute web app development projects in an effortless manner. Some of the features of the Zend Framework include extensibility, modularity, vibrant and enterprise ready community.
Well this is an extensible micro-framework for PHP. It will help you to build RESTFul web applications in a simple and quick way. This is compatible with PHP version 5.3 and above. One can easily install Flight.
One of the simple yet highly flexible MVC ( Model View Control) framework is FuelPHP for PHP web developers. Whether you are an experienced PHP developer or an amateur using FuelPHP framework can be the best possible option. PHPFuel supports a router based approach. You are directly navigated to closure deals with input uri offering complete control for further execution.
Well these PHP frameworks are certainly handy right so that you can come up with web applications which are simply amazing and can impress various targeted audience. Learn properly about the specification of your applications and choose your defined frameworks much more carefully.