Online marketing has a certain shelf-life and therefore must be altered after some time. One of its important aspects isthe logos. To rebrand your logo you need to redesign it after some time. Subtle but eyecatching that’s what is important.
Decide upon the appropriate time of your logo redesign. It’s really important. Let’s jot down points which will help you to decide upon your logo redesign.
Most important thing to consider when you’re deciding on logo redesign is it’s age that is when was it first made or latest time when it was updated. Businesses have identities based on its brand name, mascot, logo or tagline; but these features are not forever. Take for example ‘Coca Cola’ the softdrink giant which modifies its logo every year. The changes are mostly subtle but quite attractive. Customers notice these changes and enjoy it. Such subtle changes don’t cause much uproar.
Google has recently updated its logo and has done it after every 5 years since its foundation in the year 1998. This step is extremely important for it as Google is the uncrowned king of the digital world. As Google changes its logo after 5 years, the modifications attract a whole lots of attentions from a significantly large volume of users.
You should change your logo design when you see no attention from your loyal customer base or potential customers. Overtime companies evolve and your logos should be updated as well for branding purposes.
World of logo design is not separate from other worlds of showbusiness and advertisement. Each year it is affected with popular and receding trends. You can remember the popular trend called ‘swoosh’ in late 90’s plus early 2000’s that immensely influenced the world of logo design. Contemporary trend is the ‘hipster’ trend which is ruled by minimalist crests and geometric patterns. Remember that blindly aping the popular trend is not a sign of intelligence. You need to see that it’s also serving your branding purpose.
After a certain period new trends swipe the market. If your old logo styling doesn’t go with latest look and feel then this is appropriate time to change it. Yes, change it into a style having extended expiry date.
Online world is vastly important and that’s why logo designs should correlate with online traffic and popularity chart. Place your logo on your webpage or FaceBook or Twitter page and see how it relates with viewers. If it is gaining lots of attentions, keep it. It’s cool. If not then implement changes in accordance with online trends. Adapt with it and reap in better results.
It has been observed that most often complex logos need updates quickly and frequently. They don’t translate well in both off and online platforms. Too much gradients or details leave us nowhere.
Another important point is the location of your logo. Means you would obviously put your logo on company website but do you have plans to put it upon your products or upon letterheads; stationery items or any promotional objects? It should be correctly designed in accordance with its position.
We suggest you to stylise your logo with a universal appeal. This works better on several different promotional platforms.
Modifications should be taken with seriousness in particular if it’s related with company’s structure, services or products sectors. A complete revamp calls for 360 degree update of all marketing approaches.
Structural modifications like acquisitions, mergers or break-ups are handled best with logo redesigns. Following are ways in which logos are affected with such changes:
When merger occurs usually the larger company engulfs the smaller one without giving any regard to its brand identity.
Yes it happens. Some mergers display equal presence of the companies. Equal respect is given and the logos indicate merger of interests through modifications of company names; colors and designs of logos.
It may be that two companies have started from beginning and they combine forces to bring a new identity and jointly focus towards their united efforts.
Its opportune time to redesign your logo when your company undergoes even smallest of changes. Time is ripe for reconstructing your brand strategy because a new look means new refreshment.
In most cases startup companies don’t have separate resources for designing your company logo and you have made it with basic knowledge. This was ok when you began your journey but you no longer need to stick with it. Redesign it to do justice with your service strength. Professional look reaps in better results.
A logo that does not identify with your company has no real need to be there. Add new perspective to your logo which would offer your audience a whole new angle of view. An expert web designer would work in close association with you and creates a logo that does justice to your company and in addition add new perspectives.
Logo redesign gives new image to your company that reflects it in best light. Better opportunities can be explored through it. Business plus modernization is what serve best to a company’s logo redesign.
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