2016 is knocking at door and if you are in digital media, industry is keenly watching at which new things are coming here. We have enlisted some points which would put in light on biggest trends next year. These trends will test how far marketers would be able to engage in customers with cutting-edge technologies.
We all know that video advertisement is quite an old medium to engage with audience and this is also a powerful one. World croons with video engagement.
YouTube is a wonderful medium to engage with quality customers via videos. Seeing that FaceBook has already implemented videos as high priority posts. This is its first step to engage more viewers. Next step is to make videos a major part of advertisement. This is proving to be beneficial in very less time.
In fact recently Google has introduced in-SERP video advertisement as one of the major options to increase your page rank. Is not this a really good thing?
With passing days we will face more and more engaging videos. As Youtube is owned by Google undoubtedly we can expect that video advertisement would be immensely supported. Other companies need to pace up with the trend.
2015 itself has seen tremendous surge of mobile traffic that has even over-shadowed desktop traffic. We hope that this year too mobile traffic will dominate. Google has foreseen this long ago and that’s why it has changed its algorithm which boosts web pages that follow responsive designs. The day wasa dubbed as ‘mobilegeddon’. So we can predict that mobile traffic will only rise.
Desktops are not going to be obsolete. But mobile devices are more than just an entertainment device. Now tablet has gained popularity as it serves as online shopping platform, browsing and has been of high productivity.
For various businesses apps have become immensely important and for this for a while now Google has been indexing them. As in past apps could not be visible on search engines whereas now they are getting a lot of visibility.
Obviously long way has to be trodden after which app industry will catch up with mobile devices however companies are seriously thinking about creating an app for providing their respective services.
Apple’s Siri, Google’s Now, FaceBook or Amazon every body are coming up with their respective Digital Assistants. This is a precurssor to age old tradition of typing for searching an item.
Not to mention about marketers who are competing among themselves to make it sure that information related with their business be readily available to people searching through digital assistants. Be it through Google or not what’s important is people uttering words in laptop or phone.
Digital assistants have been using browsers as search engine essentials however in coming years this will be replaced.
Year 2016 is a look back with anger time for Virtual industry with powerful names like ‘Oculus Rift’ coming in front. In fact why not implementing them in marketing strategies. It will evolve newest ideas and opportunities. But it’s not the easiest possible means of marketing. If however well adapted it has tremendous potentials.
Already doing round in market are 360-degree videos which you can view by dragging your mouse around. But virtual reality headsets are coming into market. This will lead you viewing things by only turning your head around.
Imagine that above-mentioned technique to make online shopping more interesting. Other types of entertainment would turn up more interesting.
With passing days wearable technology is increasing its expand. 2015 launch of Apple Watch has been the greatest popular technology still now. However, it has many demerits like it needs charging every day. Not many purposeful apps are there. The second version of Apple Watch is expected to be launched in 2016. We can expect that demerits will be lesser in number. Android wearable devices are also to hit the market very soon.
Not only watches but wearable technology has spread through a variety of products like healthcare devices, fitness trackers, headwears etc. Why not suitable trapping these mediums for the purpose of marketing?
Regarding, these products local marketing medium is going to hold the limelight. To notify them about a store within a certain locality or serving them reasons to step into the store are some of interesting ways of promoting a brand.
Thus 2016 is going to see some interesting twists in digital marketing. We are watching at its progress with minute interest.