When you invest money for some service you pose natural confidence in service provider’s capability. That’s what tradition & practice has imbibed into us. Single professions do not create any doubt such as when you visit a doctor of medicine, a lawyer, teacher etc. you have full confidence that the chosen person will solve your problem. But lady luck is not so merciful with the web designers. In name the profession of web design remains an institution but in reality it is a part of the world of consumer goods. We cannot discredit this as profit in business suggests growth. Web design is a mutually beneficial service.
Unfortunately the potential clients have no clear cut idea about what does a commodity designer do & what is the work of a professional designer? To make the situation more complicated, very often the designers who claim to be professional web designers do not know the function of the post. As a result, those who handover their hard earned money to get the service of a professional web designer often receive disappointment. In the worst case, successful completion of the project may be jeopardized. Final result is grim for the client & grimmer for the fraternity of designers. The designers fail in the eyes of clients.
Who are professional web designers?
A professional web designer should be uncompromising regarding the maintenance of ethical & professional rules. He or She must be creative as per the aesthetic sense of the website is concerned.
Most often a web designer would attach technical qualities & seriousness with professional web design. But this is not true as professionalism has nothing to do with technical nitty-gritty. Professionalism includes long span of experience & acceptance of responsibility on the part of the web designer.
Maintaining ethical standards is always good. If a web designer can deliver profitable design results within the binds of rules it results in client satisfaction, client retention, client’s reputation building & benefit for the society as a whole.
Good practices of professional web design:
Webskitters LLC, a Miami based web Design Company hires such professional & experienced web designers who maintain high standards of professionalism. But professional standards could cost you a bit & you must go for it if you want to receive the best result. Webskitters LLC, based in Miami never exploits the financial trust between the client & the company. You get what you pay for. In our company we provide dedicated hiring option wherein client himself can judge the potential of his designer by interviewing him/her on Skype. They can judge if he/she can take a vital decision at some vital juncture of project.
Career opportunities for a web designer: According to US Bureau of Labour Statistics, in the next few years, website, graphic & animation designers will rule the world. In this age of online revolution even brick & mortar business houses are opting for online presence. Thus demand for expert web designers will rise up day by day.
The term Professional Web Design does exist in reality but is not followed in practice. This in result has given rise to a good number of cynical clients & a bad name to the profession. This scenario must change as is similar with other professions. Come & join us to build such an environment in the industry.