Recent comment made by Apple CEO Tim Cook is truely depicting the present and coming day scenario in best light. Computer programming languages are going to be one of the topmost skills for getting a job. That’s why according to Mr. Cook along with teaching your children other languages it is equally important to teach them a coding language. The more are they young, the better it is. Speaking with a congregation of third-graders in New York on Dec. 9Th Mr. Cook was delivering an Hour of Code class at a Manhattan-based Apple store. Afterwards, in an interview he said that not much is being done in this sector. Schools are not giving in required importance in this regard and should do more in imparting computer-science education. However, he has ‘great hope’ that things will change and coding language will be a mandatory class for kids.
He said that it is true that from an economic standpoint the job segment has expanded tremendously. But this will become even larger in coming days.
Mr. Cook stressed upon introducing coding classes from a young age and that education should be imparted in a fun way so that interest grows with increasing age. In future, this will lead into a larger and expanded tech workforce.
Not everybody will get a lucrative job in the tech industry. However, he or she will develop a creative mindset and will be able to solve problems in a better way.
The Wednesday event was lit with a game themed with Star Wars by non-profit group along with Disney. To program their droids they used basic commands for drag-and-drop on their iPad Minis for picking up scrap metals and flee from storm troopers.
According to Miss Khan, their teacher introduction to coding was first of its kind as there is no computer lab at their Manhattan East Harlem-based school.
She said that lessons imparted to kids to teach them coding have helped in bringing up mathematical skills in children. She said that on returning to her school she will put a focus on that.
This week ‘Hour of Code’ workshop was held by Apple Inc in addition with many other software industry giants around the world. This was in support of goal set by ‘‘ to introduce as many children as is possible to impart computer coding knowledge for at least 1 hour.